The Wordle game has been translated into French as Motdle. Players must guess a secret word within a set number of trials, and the gameplay is similar.
The objective of Motdle is to find the hidden word of the day in no more than six tries. Each guess must be a 5-letter word with the correct spelling and accents, and the hidden word is a 5-letter word.
You must input a 5-letter word that you believe to be the secret word in order to make a guess. To confirm your guess, click the button or hit the Enter key.
After you guess, Motdle uses a color code to give you feedback on the letters in your guess:
Using the feedback you receive, you may make intelligent estimates to select the most likely candidates and determine the right word. Utilize the color-coded feedback to identify the correct letter placement in the word and to delete any wrong letters.
You win the game if you accurately guess the secret word within six tries. The game will tell you the hidden word if you use up all six guesses without getting it right.
French word-guessing games on Motdle are both tough and fun. Your vocabulary, spelling, and deductive reasoning talents are put to the test. You can examine your assumptions and make tactical decisions to find the right word with the aid of the color-coded feedback system.
Have fun playing the game and trying to figure out the hidden word of the day!
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