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Word Lie

Word Lie is a word puzzle game that builds upon the concept of the popular game Wordle by introducing an intriguing twist: the game intentionally provides misinformation by highlighting some or all of the letters in one guess incorrectly. Your goal is to unravel the truth hidden within the lies and successfully guess the correct word.

Game Modes:

  • Daily Mode: Offers one puzzle per day, with the same word for all players. This ensures that identical play experiences lead to the same lies being presented.
  • Practice Mode: Allows for unlimited puzzles, enabling players to practice and improve their skills.


Word Lie is available not only in English but also in French and Russian, catering to players who prefer these languages.

Gameplay Rules:

  • The game's rules are identical to those of "Wordle" but with a deceptive twist. In Word Lie, some or all of the letters in one guess are intentionally highlighted incorrectly.
  • Clues are provided to assist players in making informed guesses. Each clue has a "TRUST?" checkbox next to it, allowing players to indicate their level of trust. Trusted clues help highlight letters on the keyboard, aiding players in remembering which letters may or must appear in the final answer.
  • When a guess is correct, the game may still deceive players by falsely claiming the guess is incorrect. This adds an extra layer of challenge and strategy.

Color Scheme:

  • The color scheme distinguishes letters by highlighting them in teal when they are in the correct position, in yellow when they appear in the wrong place, and in grey when they don't appear in the word.
  • If a guess includes a letter twice while the answer has the letter only once, only the most correct letter is marked.

Lies and Strategy:

  • When the game lies, it selects a "fake" answer and scores the guess as if the fake answer were true. This ensures the lies presented are plausible.
  • The game never selects a fake answer that has been eliminated twice to avoid giving contradictory scores. However, it can choose a fake answer eliminated once. Contradictory clues indicate that one of them is a lie, but not which one.
  • The game strategically lies when revealing the truth would provide players with significant information. Information is measured in bits, with the aim to maintain a balance between deception and plausibility.

Absurdle and Absurdliar:

  • The game draws parallels with Absurdle, a variant of Wordle by qntm, which cheats by staying consistent with multiple possible words to prolong the game.
  • Absurdliar, a common generalization created by Tim Black, combines aspects of "Word Lie" and "Absurdle." In this game, the word is not predetermined, and the game may cheat like Absurdle, adding an element of uncertainty to the lies.

If you're seeking more information about Word Lie, including further details on gameplay mechanics, strategies, and specific rules, consider visiting the official game website or any resources provided by its creators. Exploring these resources can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to engage with and enjoy the unique challenges presented by Word Lie.

How to play Word Lie

Using mouse

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