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About game

Wordiply is a fun and educational game that can help kids develop their vocabulary, spelling, and problem-solving skills. The game can be played online, and it is free to use. Here are some additional details about the game:

The game consists of five rounds, each with a different starter word.
In each round, you have six guesses to find the mystery word. If you guess the word correctly before your six guesses are up, you will move on to the next round.

The mystery word is always a word that includes the starter word. For example, if the starter word is "CAT," the mystery word could be "SCATTER," "CATTLE," or "CATNIP," among others.

Each guess will be marked with either a green or yellow circle. A green circle indicates that a letter is in the correct position in the mystery word, while a yellow circle indicates that a letter is in the word but not in the correct position.

After each guess, you will receive feedback in the form of circles to help you narrow down your options and guess the mystery word correctly.

You can play Wordiply alone or with friends. If you choose to play with friends, you can take turns guessing and keep track of who finds the mystery word in the fewest number of guesses.
here are some additional features, rules, and tips to help you play and win Wordiply:


  • Wordiply is designed for kids aged 6-12, but it can be enjoyed by players of all ages who want to improve their vocabulary and word skills.
  • The game features bright and colorful graphics and a simple, user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Each round features a new starter word, so the game stays challenging and interesting.
  • You can play Wordiply on any device with an internet connection, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.




Tips to win:

  • Start by guessing common words that include the starter word, such as "CAT" or "HAT." This will help you narrow down the possibilities and get a better sense of the mystery word.
  • Pay attention to the green and yellow circles. If you get a green circle for a letter, you know that it is in the correct position, so focus on finding other letters that fit in that position.
  • Try different letter combinations and use your deductive reasoning skills to guess the mystery word. Remember that the mystery word will always include the starter word, so start with that as your base.
  • Use the "Hint" button strategically. If you are really stuck, use it to reveal the first letter of the mystery word, but try not to use too many hints, as they will lower your score.

Frequently asked questions about Wordiply:

How do I play Wordiply?

To play Wordiply, you need to guess as many words as possible that include the starter word. Each guess is marked as either a green circle or a yellow circle. The green circle indicates that the letter is in the correct position, while the yellow circle indicates that the letter is in the word but not in the correct position.

What age group is Wordiply designed for?

Wordiply is specifically designed for kids aged 6-12, but it can be enjoyed by players of all ages who want to improve their vocabulary and word skills.

How many guesses do I have in Wordiply?

You have six guesses to guess the mystery word in Wordiply. If you guess the word correctly before your six guesses are up, you will move on to the next round.

Can I play Wordiply on my mobile phone?

Yes, you can play Wordiply on any device with an internet connection, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

How can I improve my chances of winning in Wordiply?

You can improve your chances of winning in Wordiply by guessing common words that include the starter word, paying attention to the green and yellow circles, trying different letter combinations, and using the "Hint" button strategically. Remember that the mystery word will always include the starter word, so start with that as your base.

How to play Wordiply

  • Each round starts with a new starter word. The mystery word that you need to guess will always include the starter word.
  • You have six guesses to guess the mystery word. If you guess the word correctly before your six guesses are up, you will move on to the next round.
  • Each guess is marked with either a green or yellow circle. A green circle indicates that a letter is in the correct position in the mystery word, while a yellow circle indicates that a letter is in the word but not in the correct position.
  • You can use the feedback from each guess to narrow down your options and make more educated guesses.
  • If you are having difficulty, you can use the "Hint" button to reveal the first letter of the mystery word. However, each hint will deduct one point from your score, so use them sparingly!


Overall, Wordiply is a fun and challenging game that can help you improve your vocabulary and word skills. With a little practice and some strategic thinking, you can become a Wordiply master in no time!

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